Live the Life
You Want to Live
Woodstock & Innerkip
Woodstock offers a quality of life that is second to none. As the largest centre in Oxford County Woodstock offers all of the services and amenities...
Norwich & Otterville
Norwich Township is located within the County of Oxford in the heart of Southwestern Ontario, with beautiful countryside, villages, and productive...
Tillsonburg & Bayham Township
Safe, secure and stable. Tillsonburg and Bayham Township is ideal for a quiet, comfortable retirement. Close to shopping, major highways, and the...
Ingersoll & Southwest Oxford
Nestled in the heart of rural South-Western Ontario, the Township of South-West Oxford offers many of the conveniences of urban living while enjoying...
Norfolk County - West
Boasting the most fertile land in Ontario, this region has been the centre of the Ontario Tobacco Belt. However, driving through the countryside,...